Drama on the High Seas

Today we’re scheduled to anchor off the coast of Sao Tome, a very small island right on the equator. At two hours from our scheduled time to arrive, the captain suddenly made a u turn and we all watched the land that was just coming into view start to disappear. Then they announced our ship is being diverted to assist a vessel several hours away that sent out a may-day signal. It apparently is sinking with about 55 people in the water. What concerns some of us is that these are pirate waters. We’ve been given security instructions to follow while traveling in these waters and now this…more later today…

10 thoughts on “Drama on the High Seas”

  1. Jennifer – Anxiously awaiting your update on the Mayday call. Trust that the delay is because of the slow WiFi on the ship. Hope all is ok.

    1. Hi, Thanks for checking, I’d posted an update that evening but it didn’t go through. I’m never sure how the internet will work while on the ship. We’re in Ghana today and tomorrow. Interesting environment.

  2. Jennifer, all our prayers are with you and those in imminent danger. Just make sure you continue to communicate with your community. We are all sending thoughts of strength and compassion your way.

  3. Your current episode reminds me of a couple of my nervous moments while traveling internationally, in the Philippine and Venezuela. It reminds you that the world order is fragile and unnerving moments can happen despite everyone’s best planning and efforts to travel safely when traveling outside the United States. I know that everyone’s safety is the first priority for your cruise company. Though, I am sure that everyone will be on alert regarding updates on the rescue efforts of the distressed ship and it’s passengers. I hope everyone is safe and this is just a moment to recount when as you continue your journey and when you return home. Otherwise, I am sure that you are having an enjoyable vacation and I hope the rest of your vacation continues to be fun and very enjoyable.


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